
Adobe - Make a Masterpiece




Lead UX/UI Designer: Fully Responsive Website

The Ask

Goodby & Silverstein Partners approached MediaMonks with the idea of Make A Masterpiece
to help promote Adobe's new stock photography service, which is integrated with Photoshop.

The Problem

The stock photos were the same exact stock photos as every other stock website. And creatives
don’t want to think about stock photography. So instead of focusing on generic stock photos,
we needed to find a way to show creatives how Adobe Stock let you use images
faster and easier than ever before.

The Insights

  • No creative loves learning about, working with or looking for stock photography.
    But every creative loves art; they use it to get inspired. 

The Solution

The solution was the re-creation of lost masterpieces—made from thousands of stock photos.
When creatives explored these masterpieces, they saw that they could use Adobe Stock without ever leaving
Photoshop, so they could improve their workflows and create something amazing. 

The Process

Using the analogy to a museum and components from adobe products to create the experience
and interface as our baseline, we created an online museum where users could explore
the recreation of lost masterpieces. The site has case videos, history of the paintings and
interactive exploration of all the layers and photographs that were used to
recreate the paintings. It was an iterative design process with the client.

ortfolio slides - Google Slides20170830155811.gif




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