
UBER - Agency Website

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Lead UX Designer: Fully Responsive, Internal Agency Website

The Ask

Uber contacted MediaMonks to design and build an ‘agency website’
specifically for their offshore marketing teams.  

The Problem

Uber has remote teams and offices around the globe but there was no centralized hub
to find information on how to use their creative 'Agency' (as they call it). This resulted in
inconsistent communication and the use of a variety of different
production companies and agencies. 

This site would ideally prevent these offshore teams from using multiple outside
production companies and educate them on internal capabilities.

The Insights

Satellite Uber teams have their own workflows and processes in place.
However, inefficient, it’s often hard to overcome the firm grips of familiarity and
embrace a new and better solution.

The Approach

Understanding this hesitancy, we were hoping to overcome tentative attitudes through
the tried-and-true method of shock and awe. By showcasing a clean, type-driven value prop,
manifesto opening, we’d provide just such a catalyst.

The website should have the following take aways:

  • Uber Agency's design is on point! It’s the one-stop-shop for all things branding.
    Funneling work from around globe through the same process ensures consistency and precision.

  •  Because the process is already streamlined, Uber Agency is a well-oiled machine.
    Marketing managers and producers don’t have to reinvent the wheel with each campaign.
    Existing team members plus agency partners are already onboarded, in place, and ready to go.
